Real Stories by people who have experienced intimate partner abuse. The most of stories here have been provided by women. One of the most common forms of violence against women is that performed by a husband or intimate male partner. Although women can be violent in relationships with men, and violence is also found in same-sex partnerships, the overwhelming burden of partner violence is borne by women at the hands of men. This blog reflects that reality.
I hope these stories may help others in the same situation.
Warning: Some readers may find the graphic nature of these testimonies disturbing.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

1 in 4 of women exprience sexual abus by an intimate partner. In their lifetime.

"I have no family in the city where I live. I have five kids, three of them his.
I spent six years being
tortured physically and emotionally. You can become hardened to the beatings, strangling and rape, the cruelty...
I remember once sitting in the bath while he dangled a plugged-in extension lead an inch from my bathwater, and his laughing when he saw my urine stain the water yellow. He robbed me of my dignity so many times I lost count.
I believed I was fat, ugly and undeserving of anyone's love, even my kids."
Anonymous, Asia

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